Iniakuk Lake Wilderness Lodge - Located 60 miles north of the Arctic Circle. We are Luxury in the Wilderness. Brooks Range, Alaska
Luxury in Alaska's Wilderness
We are Iniakuk Lake Wilderness Lodge. A 100% solar powered, 100% Alaska owned, all-inclusive luxury wilderness lodge located 60 miles north of the Arctic Circle with private cabins inside Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
End of the summer season 2010
HughesNet is turned off, the last weather report posted, we're back in Fairbanks after another wonderful summer in a perfect place. The fall moon reflecting in the lake was nice, but Jupiter being extra close to Earth was spectacular. Thanks to all of our guests, to Brooks Range Aviation and their wonderful crew for making it all possible. See you in March!
Friday, September 03, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:45am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Calm and overcast today with a broken ceiling at 5,000 ft. Small passing rain showers off the south end of the lake.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Fog down to the tree stumps this morning but once it burns off it should be a nice day. No wind and the sun is already trying to break in, ought to be clear by 11a.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Clear and fog-free this morning with a high overcast ceiling at about 7,500 feet. No wind, 40F.
Monday, August 30, 2010
iniakuk Lake Weather 8:45am, Brooks Range, Alaska
There is a small amount of fog on the south end of the lake this morning but it is otherwise severe clear in all directions, no wind, no worries. Good day for picking berries.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9:20am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Friday, August 27, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Very light groundfog this morning that is already nearly gone. Broken ceiling of clouds at 4,000 feet, no wind and it's 38F. Looks like a nice clear day.

Northern Lights with full moon over Iniakuk Lake
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Heavy fog down to the ground this morning but the sun is burning through and the lake should be clear in two hours and then it looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 7:26A
Ground fog all around with zero/zero visibility. Winds calm, temperature 42 degrees, barometer 30.0 and rising. If there isn't a cloud layer, this should all burn off in a few hours.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:28A
Morning ground fog has created zero/zero conditions. I can't see the sun or the beach. Winds calm, temperature 46 degrees, barometer 30.0 and steady.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 11:38A
Trend: Deteriorating. Visibility down to 5 miles and closing, ceiling 2000' undefined with rain fog. Light SE winds.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:47A
High overcast with ceiling of 4500', visibility 10 miles, winds calm. Temperature 48 degrees, barometer 30.1 and rising. Today has the look and feel of approaching winter.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9:05A
Morning fog is keeping the ceiling at about 800', visibility is 5 miles and undefined at the moment for the same reason. Light SE winds, temperature 46 degrees, barometer 30.0 and rising.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:55A
A 15 knot south wind is beginning to chase out some of the low lying fog. Temperature is 54 degrees, barometer 29.8 and rising. Visibility 10 miles, ceiling 3500' broken with patches of fog in low lying areas.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:14A
The weather began to deteriorate at 10:30P last night and has gone down from there. It's raining, visibility is 3 miles, ceiling 800', East winds at 15 knots, barometer 29.8, temperature 54 degrees. Rainfog all around, visibility and ceiling constantly changing.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:05a
Blew and rained most of the night. Visibility is 10 miles with patchy fog, Ceiling 2000' broken with patches of blue sky. Winds out of the SE 10 knots and increasing. Barometer 30.0 steady, temperature 54 degrees. Looking north we see patches of blue sky, low lying fog that should burn off later.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Severe clear this morning with a light north wind. No clouds, no fog, no smoke, no worries. Enjoy.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9:07a
The sun is burning off the fog bank which surrounds us. Should be clear in a few hours. Winds are calm, barometer is 30.3 and rising, temperature 54 degrees.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:38A
Visibility at this moment is 5 miles with rain fog, but 10 minutes ago it was zero. Ceiling is a scant 1500' and is constantly changing as well. It poured all night so there is a lot of moisture in the air and it's still raining. Looking north, it's completely socked in. Winds are light from the south, temperature 50 degrees, barometer 30.2 and rising.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 7:56A
South winds at 10 knots are clearing out most of the fog. Visibility is over 10 miles, ceiling 4500'. Patches of blue sky to the north, possible low lying clouds, but they should burn off. Temperature 54 degrees, barometer 29.8 and rising.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9:50am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Calm this morning with a localized fog ceiling at 1,000 ft. Looks like it will burn off in a few hours. Looking south the Alatna Hills are clear of smoke and fog. Looks like scattered showers but stable weather for the most part.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Visibility 10 miles this morning and a broken ceiling at 4,000. Rain and fog moving through the area but otherwise not too bad. Light north wind, barometer 29.74.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Fog layer at 1,000 feet that looks like it could burn off by 11am, winds are calm, visibility 10 miles and the barometer has risen to 29.85. No smoke or rain, temperature 55F.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 4:49P
Up down, up down, up down. That's been the trend and hesitate to post when weather is going up because it goes right back down again. Right now it's up; visibility 10 miles, ceiling 1500-2000', sky is brightening, winds NE at 10 knots. Looking north see patches of blue sky but the Alatna Valley looks socked in. Lots of moisture.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 1:44P
TREND: Definitely improving. Visibility 10 miles, ceiling 3500' defined, light rain. To the north, valleys still socked in, but for now, things are getting brighter. Winds SE at 10 knots.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 11:50am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Things are shutting down here as showers and fog move through the valley. Currently 4 miles visibility and a 1,500 fog layer that is descending. Turn on the coffee pot and play some cards, not a grand day for flying.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:31a
Visibility 10 miles, ceiling 2000' with rain fog. Winds calm. It rained all night. Looking north visibility is good, not much low lying fog. Barometer 29.6, temperature 54 degrees.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 1:10pm
Ceiling broken at 3,500 feet, visibility 10 miles and clear, scattered showers with increasing sunshine. Looks to be improving.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 9:03a
Epic rains yesterday afternoon obliterated the smoke. Visibility is 10 miles, ceiling 1000-1500' defined fog which should burn off later in the day. Looking north ceiling is the same with fog in the low lying areas. Winds from the south at 5 knots, barometer 29.6 and falling, temperature 60 degrees.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 5pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
Calm and wet at the lake now with intermittent showers. Some fog has developed in the mountains and there's a broken layer at 2500 feet. Some smoky haze but visibility still 10 miles. Barometer has dropped to 29.7.
Iniakuk Weather 7:54a
SMOKE! Visibility 5 miles, rain and smoke obscured. Ceiling 4000' smoke and fog undefined. Winds light from the north which has improved visibility. During the night we were pretty much shut down. Looking north the Alatna Valley and further is socked in with rain fog and smoke. Barometer 29.8 and rising, temperature 60 degrees.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8:15am, Brooks Range, Alaska
The barometer is about to snap off this morning at 30.35 as a high pressure system moves over the top of us. It's dead calm and severe clear this morning, no fog or clouds. Yesterday hit 78F and today looks like more of the same. High winds on the surface and aloft yesterday around 20 knots blew all the clouds out of the area, looks like they are all done and it's smooth sailing for the next 24 hours.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 4:20pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
75F at the lake today. Clear and calm in all directions. Enjoy, fall comes in 5 days...
Iniakuk Weather 11:03a
A beautiful day in the neighborhood. Winds calm, Iniakuk Lake glassy, temperature 60 degrees, barometer 29.9 and falling, a few clouds, perfect fly day.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 1pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
8 knot south wind has calmed down a lot since earlier this morning. Broken ceiling at 4500 feet with sucker holes of blue forming over Iniakuk Lake. To the north it looks like more of the same with the cloud layer slightly thicker but not lower. Trend is improving.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 4:06p
Trend: Huge improvement. Visibility 10 miles with scattered low lying clouds, ceiling 4-5,000' broken, blue sky popping through, winds calm. Still a lot of moisture in the air and looking north still socked in, but sun is shining, rain has stopped for now.
Iniakuk Weather 926a
Visibility 7 miles, rainfog, rain showers, ceiling 4000' obscured, barometer, 30.0 and falling, temperature 56 degrees, winds light from the north. Trend: deteriorating.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 9:19a
Visibility 15 miles, high ceiling, light winds from the north, barometer 30.0, temperature 56 degrees. Rained during the night, can see the storm has passed north.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 10:11a
Visibility over 10 miles, ceiling clear with a few morning clouds in low lying areas. Winds calm, barometer 29.9 and rising, temperature 58 degrees. Looks like a great fly day.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 1:28p
Visibility 10 miles, ceiling 3500' obscured with rain fog, blue sky patches, to the south shower storms moving east/west.
Iniakuk Weather 10:45a
Visibility 5 miles, ceiling 2000' undefined, rain fog, light SE winds, barometer 29.8 steady, temperature 52 degrees. It rained most of the night, sun is trying to peep through.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 12pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
High overcast today at 5,000 feet, south wind at 10 knots, the skies are brightening and it looks like this weather is stable for today. Barometer 29.85, temperature 60F.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 8am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Everything finally cleared up this morning and there is bright sunshine and blue skies in all directions. There are a few wisps of fog that need to burn off but no ground fog and to the north the skies look clear and calm as well. Perhaps we will get a few more days of summer after all.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 6:44a
Trend: Improving. Visibility 5 miles, ceiling 1000' defined, winds SE 12 knots, barometer holding steady at 30.0, temperature 54 degrees. It rained all night, now the fog looks like it might burn off by noon.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 4:32p
Trend is improving: Visibility 10 miles, ceiling to the east - can see Mt. Hal Waugh which is 4000'. Ridge to the west overlooking the Alatna River is shrouded above 2000'. Looking north, mountains are obscured and valleys socked in. Winds SE at 10 knots, rain has lessened, barometer 30.0, temperature 62 degrees.
Iniakuk Weather 2:06p
The scrud is hanging in here - visibility is 8 miles, ceiling 1800' undefined, rainfog, wind SE at 10 knots. Occasional signs of brightening and lifting are short-lived and the ceiling comes right down.
Iniakuk Weather 10:30a
Visibility 5 miles, ceiling 2000' undefined, rainfog, light rain, SE wind at 10 knots, barometer 29.92 steady. Trend: lightening up but uncertain.
Iniakuk Weather 9:30a
Visibility 4 miles, ceiling 1000' undefined, rainfog, light rain, winds SE 10 knots. Trend is not improving.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Iniakuk Weather 8:20a.m.
15 knot wind from the south and fog down to 1,500 feet this morning but the rain has stopped and it looks like the area is going to dry up today. It's much brighter to the north and visibility is currently 10 miles and improving. Barometer at 29.92, temperature 52F.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 7:40am, Brooks Range, Alaska
A cold south wind at 10 knots this morning gusting to 15. Current temperature 45F. There is a fog layer at 2000 feet that formed around 7am. Skies to the south are clear and blue and once the fog burns off it looks like it will be a nice day. Barometric pressure 30.0.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 1pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
Clear and sunny today with a light southeast wind at 10 knots. Cumulous are building for the afternoon but visibility is wide open in all directions. Current temperature 71F. Time to go fishing.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 10am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Still windy here today, 10 knots with gusts to 15. High overcast at 6,000 feet with patches of blue here and there. Clear visibility and no smoke. Rain looks imminent but so far nothing. To the north there are light scattered fog layers at 2,000 feet, but nothing serious.
Safe travels to all.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 6pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
Clear and sunny but getting windy out of the west which usually means bad weather coming. Currently 15 knots gusting to twenty. White caps on the lake, barometer has dropped the last 3 days to 29.65.
Excellent kite flying weather.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 7:30am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Calm and overcast today with a broken ceiling at 6,000 ft. Unlimited visibility and good views to the north. No rain in sight. Lots of mosquitos.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 11:00am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Heavy rain and fog down to 800 feet, 4 miles of visibility with occasional glimpses to 8 miles. Looks like it's going to be like this all day, crank up the coffee pot.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 7:30am, Brooks Range, Alaska
Heavy rain and fog has reduced visibility to 4 miles. There's a broken fog layer at 1,500 feet and a solid layer at 2,500 feet. 5 knot south wind. Looks like a good day for cribbage. Iniakuk Lake water level has increased one inch and rising.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Iniakuk Lake Weather 5pm, Brooks Range, Alaska
Things have shut down here, visibility down to 4 miles and a dense fog layer at 800 feet. It looks like this could stick around for the night. 10 knot wind.
Iniakuk Lake Weather 2:44pm, Brooks Range, Alaska

Please note, this is not a current picture, it's just there to make you feel good.
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